Since our goal is to explore what kinds of features might influence and best predict our outcome - ladder score. I am considering a multiple linear regression to see how variables relate to the outcome. Once important question that I am interested in is how much does GDP impacts the Ladder Score, and does anything interact with GDP. Here we mainly focus on our latest data - happiness report from 2021.


Outcome: Ladder score

  • Rename the column name
regression_df$country_name <- as.factor(regression_df$country_name)

regression_df$regional_indicator<- as.factor(regression_df$regional_indicator)

regression_df <- regression_df %>%
  rename(Country = country_name, Region = regional_indicator, Ladder = ladder_score,
         SD.Ladder = standard_error_of_ladder_score, GDP = logged_gdp_per_capita, = social_support,
         Life.exp = healthy_life_expectancy, Freedom = freedom_to_make_life_choices,
         Corruption = perceptions_of_corruption, Ladder.Dystopia = ladder_score_in_dystopia,
         EXP.LOG.GPD = explained_by_log_gdp_per_capita, EXP.SS = explained_by_social_support,
         EXP.HLE = explained_by_healthy_life_expectancy, EXP.FREE = explained_by_freedom_to_make_life_choices,
         EXP.GEN = explained_by_generosity, EXP.CUR = explained_by_perceptions_of_corruption,
         DYS.RES = dystopia_residual)

hap <- regression_df[,-c(4,5,6,13:20)]
## [1] "Country"        "Region"         "Ladder"         "GDP"           
## [5] "" "Life.exp"       "Freedom"        "generosity"    
## [9] "Corruption"
hap <- hap %>%
  dplyr::mutate(Ladder = row_number())
## # A tibble: 6 × 9
##   Country     Region        Ladder   GDP Socia…¹ Life.…² Freedom gener…³ Corru…⁴
##   <fct>       <fct>          <int> <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1 Finland     Western Euro…      1  10.8   0.954    72     0.949  -0.098   0.186
## 2 Denmark     Western Euro…      2  10.9   0.954    72.7   0.946   0.03    0.179
## 3 Switzerland Western Euro…      3  11.1   0.942    74.4   0.919   0.025   0.292
## 4 Iceland     Western Euro…      4  10.9   0.983    73     0.955   0.16    0.673
## 5 Netherlands Western Euro…      5  10.9   0.942    72.4   0.913   0.175   0.338
## 6 Norway      Western Euro…      6  11.1   0.954    73.3   0.96    0.093   0.27 
## # … with abbreviated variable names ¹​, ²​Life.exp, ³​generosity,
## #   ⁴​Corruption
  • check NA
sum( # there is no na
## [1] 0

We first rename the column name for further use and check if there is NA. It turns out that no NA is in our dataset. What’s worth mentioning is that we transform the ladder score according to their rank(largest score as rank 1) to have a better understanding when comparing them.


Correlations between each variables

Now, we check the correlations between each of the variables, and then we print the correlation matrix and plot the correlation graph.

num.var <- select_if(hap, is.numeric)
##                     Ladder        GDP   Life.exp    Freedom
## Ladder          1.00000000 -0.7969875     -0.7510240 -0.7759416 -0.6064113
## GDP            -0.79698747  1.0000000      0.7852987  0.8594606  0.4323235
## -0.75102401  0.7852987      1.0000000  0.7232561  0.4829298
## Life.exp       -0.77594156  0.8594606      0.7232561  1.0000000  0.4614939
## Freedom        -0.60641135  0.4323235      0.4829298  0.4614939  1.0000000
## generosity      0.03966234 -0.1992864     -0.1149459 -0.1617503  0.1694374
## Corruption      0.40065425 -0.3423374     -0.2032070 -0.3643735 -0.4013630
##                 generosity Corruption
## Ladder          0.03966234  0.4006543
## GDP            -0.19928640 -0.3423374
## -0.11494585 -0.2032070
## Life.exp       -0.16175028 -0.3643735
## Freedom         0.16943737 -0.4013630
## generosity      1.00000000 -0.1639617
## Corruption     -0.16396173  1.0000000


Model selection

  • First, we split the data into a training and validation set and star our analysis

  • Then, We choose to use North America and ANZ as a reference group for comparision

##  Factor w/ 10 levels "Central and Eastern Europe",..: 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 6 10 ...
##  [1] "Central and Eastern Europe"         "Commonwealth of Independent States"
##  [3] "East Asia"                          "Latin America and Caribbean"       
##  [5] "Middle East and North Africa"       "North America and ANZ"             
##  [7] "South Asia"                         "Southeast Asia"                    
##  [9] "Sub-Saharan Africa"                 "Western Europe"
hap$Region<-relevel(hap$Region, ref="North America and ANZ")


Full model

m1 <- lm(Ladder ~ ., data = train[,-1])
## Call:
## lm(formula = Ladder ~ ., data = train[, -1])
## Coefficients:
##                              (Intercept)  
##                                 297.8030  
## RegionCommonwealth of Independent States  
##                                  25.7677  
##                          RegionEast Asia  
##                                  11.8555  
##        RegionLatin America and Caribbean  
##                                  -9.0051  
##       RegionMiddle East and North Africa  
##                                  24.5459  
##              RegionNorth America and ANZ  
##                                  -6.8523  
##                         RegionSouth Asia  
##                                  40.0499  
##                     RegionSoutheast Asia  
##                                  28.3348  
##                 RegionSub-Saharan Africa  
##                                  22.9253  
##                     RegionWestern Europe  
##                                  -5.7477  
##                                      GDP  
##                                 -12.7875  
##                                 -75.4024  
##                                 Life.exp  
##                                   0.0648  
##                                  Freedom  
##                                 -90.8450  
##                               generosity  
##                                  -8.6442  
##                               Corruption  
##                                  22.5704


Null model

Looking at the null model, which is just the intercept (mean) of the outcome variable.

null <- lm(Ladder ~ 1, data = train[,-1])
## Call:
## lm(formula = Ladder ~ 1, data = train[, -1])
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)  
##       79.96


Use stepwise comparision procedure

select the model with the lowest AIC, which uses a model’s maximum likelihood estimation (log-likelihood) as a measure of fit.

## Start:  AIC=682.56
## Ladder ~ Region + GDP + + Life.exp + Freedom + 
##     generosity + Corruption
##                  Df Sum of Sq   RSS    AIC
## - Life.exp        1       3.0 38968 680.57
## - generosity      1     138.0 39103 680.95
## <none>                        38965 682.56
## - Corruption      1     876.2 39841 683.03
## -  1    2347.2 41312 687.05
## - GDP             1    4223.1 43188 691.98
## - Freedom         1    5744.3 44709 695.82
## - Region          9   17659.0 56624 706.05
## Step:  AIC=680.57
## Ladder ~ Region + GDP + + Freedom + generosity + 
##     Corruption
##                  Df Sum of Sq   RSS    AIC
## - generosity      1     145.1 39113 678.98
## <none>                        38968 680.57
## - Corruption      1     897.6 39866 681.10
## -  1    2352.7 41321 685.07
## - GDP             1    5008.9 43977 691.99
## - Freedom         1    5748.4 44717 693.84
## - Region          9   19488.8 58457 707.58
## Step:  AIC=678.98
## Ladder ~ Region + GDP + + Freedom + Corruption
##                  Df Sum of Sq   RSS    AIC
## <none>                        39113 678.98
## - Corruption      1     970.9 40084 679.70
## -  1    2302.5 41416 683.33
## - GDP             1    4889.5 44003 690.06
## - Freedom         1    6111.8 45225 693.10
## - Region          9   19392.6 58506 705.68
## Call:
## lm(formula = Ladder ~ Region + GDP + + Freedom + 
##     Corruption, data = train[, -1])
## Coefficients:
##                              (Intercept)  
##                                  296.039  
## RegionCommonwealth of Independent States  
##                                   26.090  
##                          RegionEast Asia  
##                                   11.988  
##        RegionLatin America and Caribbean  
##                                   -8.385  
##       RegionMiddle East and North Africa  
##                                   24.992  
##              RegionNorth America and ANZ  
##                                   -8.064  
##                         RegionSouth Asia  
##                                   39.925  
##                     RegionSoutheast Asia  
##                                   27.068  
##                 RegionSub-Saharan Africa  
##                                   23.161  
##                     RegionWestern Europe  
##                                   -5.987  
##                                      GDP  
##                                  -12.128  
##                                  -74.255  
##                                  Freedom  
##                                  -92.682  
##                               Corruption  
##                                   23.077
m1.step <- lm(formula = Ladder ~ Region + GDP + + Freedom + Corruption, data = train[, -1])

Here we get the best performing model measuring by AIC. The predictor includes Region, GDP,, Freedom and Corruption.


Plot the the residuals to see how the model performs


Overall the residuals seem normally distributed and most assumptions seem to be maintained. However, the Scale-Location plot does show some heteroskedasticity, where the variance increases a bit around the center.


Add interaction term

Explore the interaction

Here are some plots to initiate our hypothesis

ggplot(train[1:10,], aes(x = reorder(Country, Ladder), y = Ladder, fill = GDP)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity")+
  theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45, hjust=1))+
  labs(title = "Top Ten Happiest Countries") + 
  ylab("Ladder Score")+

ggplot(train[], aes(Ladder,GDP)) + 

ggplot(train[], aes(Ladder,Freedom)) + 

ggplot(train[], aes(GDP,Freedom)) + 

ggplot(data=train[1:30,], aes(x=GDP, y=Ladder))+
  geom_line(size=2, aes(color=Freedom))
## Warning: Using `size` aesthetic for lines was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
## ℹ Please use `linewidth` instead.

## [1] 0.9049291
## [1] -0.6782655
high.Free <- which(hap[,"Freedom"] >=0.9)
low.Free <- which(hap[,"Freedom"] <=.7)

## [1] 10.59081
## [1] -8.273607
high.GDP <- which(hap[,"GDP"] >= 10.6)
low.GDP <- which(hap[,"GDP"] <= 8.3)

ggplot(hap[high.GDP,], aes(x=Freedom, y=Ladder))+
  geom_line(size=2, aes(color=GDP))

ggplot(hap[low.GDP,], aes(x=Freedom, y=Ladder))+
  geom_line(size=2, aes(color=GDP))

It seems like GDP and Freedom may have some interaction.


Model the interaction

int.mod <- lm(formula = Ladder ~ Region + GDP + + Freedom + Corruption + GDP*Freedom, data = train[, -1])

## Call:
## lm(formula = Ladder ~ Region + GDP + + Freedom + 
##     Corruption + GDP * Freedom, data = train[, -1])
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -34.698 -14.833  -1.247  12.952  60.233 
## Coefficients:
##                                          Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept)                                86.568    118.105   0.733 0.465360
## RegionCommonwealth of Independent States   24.255      9.820   2.470 0.015278
## RegionEast Asia                             9.014     12.124   0.743 0.459011
## RegionLatin America and Caribbean          -7.640      8.430  -0.906 0.367034
## RegionMiddle East and North Africa         25.497      8.540   2.986 0.003591
## RegionNorth America and ANZ                -4.380     14.754  -0.297 0.767203
## RegionSouth Asia                           39.686     11.333   3.502 0.000703
## RegionSoutheast Asia                       27.556      9.766   2.822 0.005808
## RegionSub-Saharan Africa                   24.989      9.000   2.776 0.006607
## RegionWestern Europe                       -3.752      8.908  -0.421 0.674584
## GDP                                        11.254     13.051   0.862 0.390680
##                            -71.552     30.724  -2.329 0.021962
## Freedom                                   178.889    148.100   1.208 0.230055
## Corruption                                 17.588     14.982   1.174 0.243319
## GDP:Freedom                               -29.933     16.117  -1.857 0.066341
## (Intercept)                                 
## RegionCommonwealth of Independent States *  
## RegionEast Asia                             
## RegionLatin America and Caribbean           
## RegionMiddle East and North Africa       ** 
## RegionNorth America and ANZ                 
## RegionSouth Asia                         ***
## RegionSoutheast Asia                     ** 
## RegionSub-Saharan Africa                 ** 
## RegionWestern Europe                        
## GDP                                         
##                           *  
## Freedom                                     
## Corruption                                  
## GDP:Freedom                              .  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 19.83 on 96 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.8178, Adjusted R-squared:  0.7912 
## F-statistic: 30.77 on 14 and 96 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

We found that the slope of Freedom changes for every one increase in GDP, and as GDP increases, slope of freedom decreases. Looking at the p-value, the value of both GDP and Freedom indicate they’re insignificant after we adding the interaction term, but the interaction effect is significant now. At the same time, the p-value for Corruption indicates it’s insignificant.


Our final model

final_model <- lm(formula = Ladder ~ Region + GDP + + Freedom + GDP*Freedom, data = train[, -1])

## Call:
## lm(formula = Ladder ~ Region + GDP + + Freedom + 
##     GDP * Freedom, data = train[, -1])
## Coefficients:
##                              (Intercept)  
##                                   81.853  
## RegionCommonwealth of Independent States  
##                                   20.237  
##                          RegionEast Asia  
##                                    5.442  
##        RegionLatin America and Caribbean  
##                                   -9.024  
##       RegionMiddle East and North Africa  
##                                   23.026  
##              RegionNorth America and ANZ  
##                                  -11.429  
##                         RegionSouth Asia  
##                                   38.910  
##                     RegionSoutheast Asia  
##                                   25.842  
##                 RegionSub-Saharan Africa  
##                                   22.772  
##                     RegionWestern Europe  
##                                   -7.585  
##                                      GDP  
##                                   13.434  
##                                  -63.324  
##                                  Freedom  
##                                  204.900  
##                              GDP:Freedom  
##                                  -33.665


Plot the final model’s residuals to see the distribution



Reshow the correlation score

  • Freedom and GDP’s correlation
cor(hap$GDP, hap$Freedom)
## [1] 0.4323235


  • Ladder and GDP’s correlation
cor(hap$GDP, hap$Ladder)
## [1] -0.7969875


Conclusion based on the analysis

The correlations between GDP and Ladder Score seemed to be very strong, and the initial regression model would suggest that GDP is a powerful predictor of the Happiness Ladder Score, but after adapting interaction term and refiting model, we found that the relationship between Freedom and GDP couldn’t be ignored: these two seemed to influence each other and we couldn’t eliminate either of them.