We want to try different tests in happiness scores. Let’s see whether there are some interesting findings. All the tests have a significance level of 0.05

Test 1: One Way ANOVA Test

Compare population mean in different regions

Using ANOVA test, we can possibly compare the mean happiness scores across different regions, lets first get a sense of the ranges of the happiness scores in each region. Here we visualize the estimates and the CI bounds of the ladder score in each region to get a general sense of regional difference.

score_estimates <- function(x){
  t.test(x, conf.level = 0.95) %>% broom::tidy()%>%select(estimate, conf.low, conf.high)

result_df <- happy_meta %>%
  select(regional_indicator, ladder_score) %>%
  nest_by(regional_indicator) %>%
  rename(ladder_vec = data) %>%
  mutate(result = map(ladder_vec, score_estimates)) %>%
  select(-ladder_vec) %>%

result_df %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = reorder(regional_indicator, estimate), y = estimate)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high)) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 0.5, size = 7),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
  xlab("Region") +
  ylab("Estimate of Ladder Score") +
  ggtitle("Estimated Ladder Scores and Their CIs for Different Regions")

From the Plot, we see that ranges of the estimates of the ladder score differ a lot based on regions. Let’s see whether anova test will prove our observation.

\(H_0:\) the population mean of ladder score is the same for the all the 10 regions.

\(H_1:\) At least one population mean of the ladder score is different in all the 10 regions.

aov(ladder_score ~ factor(regional_indicator), data = happy_meta) %>% summary()
##                              Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)    
## factor(regional_indicator)    9 1447.0  160.78   337.3 <2e-16 ***
## Residuals                  1806  860.9    0.48                   
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Since the p value in this case is very close to zero, we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that at least one population mean of the ladder score is different in all the 10 regions.

Test 2: Two Sample T-test (Before Covid or After Covid?)

Overall in the world, whether the mean happiness score for all the regions before covid-19 higher than the mean happiness score after covid-19? Here we split the data in to “before covid” and “after covid” based on variable year, and compare the mean happiness score of these two groups using a two sample t-test.

  • Lets check the variances of these two data groups.
var.test(ladder_score ~ covid_status, data = happy_meta)
##  F test to compare two variances
## data:  ladder_score by covid_status
## F = 1.0981, num df = 1459, denom df = 355, p-value = 0.2756
## alternative hypothesis: true ratio of variances is not equal to 1
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.9279279 1.2887684
## sample estimates:
## ratio of variances 
##           1.098121

As the p value is very big (0.2756), we fail to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the variances of the two groups are equal in this case. So we are conducting a 2 sample t-test with equal variances in this case.

\(H_0:\) the population mean of ladder score is the same for the time period before covid-19 and the time period after covid-19 for all countries.

\(H_1:\) the population mean of ladder score is the smaller for the time period before covid-19 and the time period after covid-19 for all countries.

t.test(ladder_score ~ covid_status, alternative = "less", data = happy_meta, var.equal = TRUE) %>% broom::tidy() %>% knitr::kable(digit = 3)
estimate estimate1 estimate2 statistic p.value parameter conf.low conf.high method alternative
-0.186 5.434 5.62 -2.797 0.003 1814 -Inf -0.077 Two Sample t-test less

Since the p-value is low, We found out that the happiness score after covid-19 is higher than the happiness score before covid-19. This might due to people are spending more time with their families during work from home work mode and quarantine, or other factors. If we look down on each region, will we still get the same result? Now, we compute the two tail and one tail test for data in each region.

pval_df <- tibble()

nest_conti <-
  happy_meta %>%

for(i in 1:10){
  pval_df[i,1] = nest_conti[i,1] %>% pull()
  p_value <- t.test(ladder_score ~ covid_status, alternative = "less", data = nest_conti[[2]][[i]], var.equal = TRUE) %>% broom::tidy() %>% pull(p.value)
  pval_df[i,2] = p_value

pval_df %>%
  rename(regional = ...1,
         p_value = ...2) %>%
    test_Result = case_when(
      p_value < 0.05 ~ "reject null",
      p_value > 0.05 ~ "fail to reject null"
  ) %>% knitr::kable()
regional p_value test_Result
Central and Eastern Europe 0.0000001 reject null
Commonwealth of Independent States 0.0003179 reject null
East Asia 0.1041398 fail to reject null
Latin America and Caribbean 0.5362506 fail to reject null
Middle East and North Africa 0.6747703 fail to reject null
North America and ANZ 0.9973080 fail to reject null
South Asia 0.8213778 fail to reject null
Southeast Asia 0.5272470 fail to reject null
Sub-Saharan Africa 0.0001335 reject null
Western Europe 0.1244833 fail to reject null

Now we see that our tests says that only in Central and Eastern Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States and Sub-Saharan Africa we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the mean happiness score is lower for the time before covid. Lets continue looking at other regions and conduct a test where an alternative hypothesis is “the mean happiness score decreases after covid”.

pval_df2 <- tibble()

nest_conti2 <-
  happy_meta %>%
  nest_by(regional_indicator) %>%
  filter(!regional_indicator %in% c("Central and Eastern Europe", "Commonwealth of Independent States", "Sub-Saharan Africa"))

for(i in 1:7){
  pval_df2[i,1] = nest_conti2[i,1] %>% pull()
  p_value <- t.test(ladder_score ~ covid_status, alternative = "greater", data = nest_conti2[[2]][[i]], var.equal = TRUE) %>% broom::tidy() %>% pull(p.value)
  pval_df2[i,2] = p_value

pval_df2 %>%
  rename(regional = ...1,
         p_value = ...2) %>%
    test_Result = case_when(
      p_value < 0.05 ~ "reject null",
      p_value > 0.05 ~ "fail to reject null"
  ) %>% knitr::kable()
regional p_value test_Result
East Asia 0.8958602 fail to reject null
Latin America and Caribbean 0.4637494 fail to reject null
Middle East and North Africa 0.3252297 fail to reject null
North America and ANZ 0.0026920 reject null
South Asia 0.1786222 fail to reject null
Southeast Asia 0.4727530 fail to reject null
Western Europe 0.8755167 fail to reject null

Now we see that only for the North America and ANZ region, the p value is low and we reject the null and conclude that the happiness score after covid is less than the happiness score before covid.

What about other continents? Is there a big difference in happiness score before and after covid? We conduct a two sided t test for those regions.

pval_df3 <- tibble()

nest_conti3 <-
  happy_meta %>%
  nest_by(regional_indicator) %>%
  filter(!regional_indicator %in% c("Central and Eastern Europe", "Commonwealth of Independent States", "Sub-Saharan Africa","North America and ANZ"))

for(i in 1:6){
  pval_df3[i,1] = nest_conti2[i,1] %>% pull()
  p_value <- t.test(ladder_score ~ covid_status, alternative = "two.sided", data = nest_conti3[[2]][[i]], var.equal = TRUE) %>% broom::tidy() %>% pull(p.value)
  pval_df3[i,2] = p_value

pval_df3 %>%
  rename(regional = ...1,
         p_value = ...2) %>%
    test_Result = case_when(
      p_value < 0.05 ~ "reject null",
      p_value > 0.05 ~ "fail to reject null"
  ) %>% knitr::kable()
regional p_value test_Result
East Asia 0.2082797 fail to reject null
Latin America and Caribbean 0.9274987 fail to reject null
Middle East and North Africa 0.6504595 fail to reject null
North America and ANZ 0.3572444 fail to reject null
South Asia 0.9455060 fail to reject null
Southeast Asia 0.2489666 fail to reject null

As a result, all these left regions have a high p-value, and we fail to reject null hypothesis that “the mean happiness score before covid is the same as the mean happiness score after covid”. Thus for these regions, the happiness score didn’t change as much before and after covid.

Test 3: 2 Sample t-test Test (“Happy Region” vs “Unhappy Regions)

Whether the regions that have high happiness score throughout 2008-2021 differ in properties than the countries that have relatively low happiness score throughout 2008-2022? In this section, we divide all the 10 regions into two group “happy regions” and “unhappy regions” based on previous analysis on the estimates and the confidence intervals of the ladder scores. we are going to find out whether those regions have differences in logged_gdp_per_capita, social_support, healthy_life_expectancy, freedom _to_make_life_choices, and preceptions_of_corruptions, we are going to conduct two sample mean t.test for each of the variables.

happy_list <- c("Central and Eastern Europe", "East Asia", "Latin America and Caribbean", "Western Europe", "North America and ANZ")
unhappy_list <- c("Sub-Saharan Africa", "South Asia", "Southeast Asia", "Middle East and North Africa", "Commonwealth of Independent States")

hap_unhap <- happy_meta %>%
    happy_status = case_when(
      regional_indicator %in% happy_list ~ "happy region",
      regional_indicator %in% unhappy_list ~ "unhappy region"
  1. logged_gdp_per_capita

First we visualize the differences, looks like the logged gdp per capita for the happy countries are much higher than the unhappy ones.

hap_unhap %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_boxplot(mapping = aes(x = happy_status, y = logged_gdp_per_capita, fill = happy_status)) 

Looking at the box plot, the variance is quite different for happy countries and unhappy countries, now we conduct a 2-sample t-test with unequal variances.

t.test(logged_gdp_per_capita ~ happy_status, alternative = "greater", data = hap_unhap, var.equal = FALSE) %>% broom::tidy() %>% knitr::kable(digit = 3)
estimate estimate1 estimate2 statistic p.value parameter conf.low conf.high method alternative
1.432 10.083 8.651 34.177 0 1707.127 1.363 Inf Welch Two Sample t-test greater
  1. social_support
hap_unhap %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_boxplot(mapping = aes(x = happy_status, y = social_support, fill = happy_status)) 

We see that the variance for these two groups are quite difference based on the boxplot, so we conduct a Two Sample t-test with unequal variances.

\(H_0:\) the population mean of social support is the same for the happy regions and the unhappy regions.

\(H_1:\) the population mean of social_support is the greater for the happy regions than the unhappy regions.

t.test(social_support ~ happy_status, alternative = "greater", data = hap_unhap, var.equal = FALSE) %>% broom::tidy() %>% knitr::kable(digit = 3)
estimate estimate1 estimate2 statistic p.value parameter conf.low conf.high method alternative
0.132 0.879 0.748 28.349 0 1528.296 0.124 Inf Welch Two Sample t-test greater

We see that the p.value is close to zero, there is strong statistical evidences to reject null and conclude that the population mean of social support is the greater for the happy regions than the unhappy regions.

  1. healthy_life_expectancy
hap_unhap %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_boxplot(mapping = aes(x = happy_status, y = healthy_life_expectancy, fill = happy_status)) 

We see that the variance for these two groups are quite difference based on the boxplot, so we conduct a Two Sample t-test with unequal variances.

\(H_0:\) the population mean of healthy life expectancy is the same for the happy regions and the unhappy regions.

\(H_1:\) the population mean of healthy life expectancy is the greater for the happy regions than the unhappy regions.

t.test(healthy_life_expectancy ~ happy_status, alternative = "greater", data = hap_unhap, var.equal = FALSE) %>% broom::tidy() %>% knitr::kable(digit = 3)
estimate estimate1 estimate2 statistic p.value parameter conf.low conf.high method alternative
9.995 68.652 58.657 37.904 0 1563.001 9.561 Inf Welch Two Sample t-test greater

We see that the p.value is close to zero, there is strong statistical evidences to reject null and conclude that the population mean of healthy life expectancy index is the greater for the happy regions than the unhappy regions.

  1. freedom_to_make_life_choices
hap_unhap %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_boxplot(mapping = aes(x = happy_status, y = freedom_to_make_life_choices, fill = happy_status)) 

The variance looks similar in this case for the two group, we conduct a variance test to see whether the variances are equal

var.test(freedom_to_make_life_choices ~ happy_status, data = hap_unhap) %>% broom::tidy()
## Multiple parameters; naming those columns num.df, den.df
## # A tibble: 1 × 9
##   estimate num.df den.df statistic p.value conf.low conf.high method     alter…¹
##      <dbl>  <int>  <int>     <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>      <chr>  
## 1    0.993    888    926     0.993   0.911    0.871      1.13 F test to… two.si…
## # … with abbreviated variable name ¹​alternative

The p-value is high in this case, we fail to reject the null hypothesis that two groups have the same variances. In this case, we conduct a 2 sample t-test with equal variances.

\(H_0:\) the population mean of freedom to make life choices index is the same for the happy regions and the unhappy regions.

\(H_1:\) the population mean of freedom to make life choices index is the greater for the happy regions and the unhappy regions.

t.test(freedom_to_make_life_choices ~ happy_status,alternative = "greater", data = hap_unhap, var.equal = TRUE) %>% broom::tidy() %>% knitr::kable(digit = 3)
estimate estimate1 estimate2 statistic p.value parameter conf.low conf.high method alternative
0.067 0.78 0.713 10.429 0 1814 0.056 Inf Two Sample t-test greater

We see that the p.value is close to zero, there is strong statistical evidences to reject null and conclude that the population mean of freedom to make life choices index is the greater for the happy regions than the unhappy regions.

  1. generosity
hap_unhap %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_boxplot(mapping = aes(x = happy_status, y = generosity, fill = happy_status)) 

The variance looks similar in this case for the two group, we conduct a variance test to see whether the variances are equal

var.test(generosity ~ happy_status, data = hap_unhap)
##  F test to compare two variances
## data:  generosity by happy_status
## F = 0.91941, num df = 888, denom df = 926, p-value = 0.2064
## alternative hypothesis: true ratio of variances is not equal to 1
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.8071813 1.0474223
## sample estimates:
## ratio of variances 
##           0.919406

The p-value is high in this case, we fail to reject the null hypothesis that two groups have the same variances. In this case, we conduct a 2 sample t-test with equal variances.

\(H_0:\) the population mean of generosity index is the same for the happy regions and the unhappy regions.

\(H_1:\) the population mean of generosity index is different for the happy regions from the unhappy regions.

t.test(generosity ~ happy_status, data = hap_unhap, var.equal = TRUE) %>% broom::tidy() %>% knitr::kable(digit = 3)
estimate estimate1 estimate2 statistic p.value parameter conf.low conf.high method alternative
-0.006 -0.006 0 -0.792 0.428 1814 -0.021 0.009 Two Sample t-test two.sided

We see that the p.value is higher than 0.05, we fail to reject null and conclude that the population mean of generosity index is the same for the happy regions than the unhappy regions.

  1. perceptions_of_corruption
hap_unhap %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_boxplot(mapping = aes(x = happy_status, y = perceptions_of_corruption, fill = happy_status)) 

We see that the variance for these two groups are quite difference based on the boxplot, so we conduct a Two Sample t-test with unequal variances.

\(H_0:\) the population mean of perceptions of corruption is the same for the happy regions and the unhappy regions.

\(H_1:\) the population mean of perceptions of corruption is the greater for the happy regions than the unhappy regions.

t.test(perceptions_of_corruption ~ happy_status, data = hap_unhap, var.equal = FALSE) %>% broom::tidy() %>% knitr::kable(digit = 3)
estimate estimate1 estimate2 statistic p.value parameter conf.low conf.high method alternative
-0.062 0.717 0.779 -7.135 0 1615.654 -0.079 -0.045 Welch Two Sample t-test two.sided

We see that the p.value is close to zero, there is strong statistical evidences to reject null and conclude that the population mean of perceptions of corruption is the different in the happy regions than the unhappy regions.

Overall, our 2 sample t tests show strong evidences that the factors include in the data differ a lot for happy regions and unhappy regions, except for the generosity index.

Test 4: Permutation test

Let’s found out whether the distribution of the ladder score of is different in the happy regions and the unhappy regions. In permutation test, we assign a label (“0” or “1” to the observation belong to happy region and the observation belong to unhappy region). The label itself is independent of the ladder score we are testing on, and we shuffle the labels to replicate our process of getting the test statistic. In this case, our hypothesis are:

\(H_0:\) the distribution of the ladder score is the same for the happy regions and the unhappy regions.

\(H_1:\) the distribution of the ladder score for the happy region is different from the distribution of the ladder score in the unhappy regions.

For simplicity, we choose our test statistic to be the difference of ladder score of happy regions and unhappy regions. We shuffle the label of our observation data, compute the test statistic over 1000 time and look at their distributions.

#Assign label
hap_unhap <- hap_unhap %>%
    label = case_when(
      happy_status == "happy region" ~ 1,
      happy_status ==  "unhappy region" ~ 0

#Write a function to get the test statistic
mean_diff <- function(df, label) {mean(df[label]) - mean(df[!label])}

dist.ts <- replicate(1000, {
    ## shuffle the labels
    permuted_label <- sample(hap_unhap$label)
    ## compute the test statistic
    mean_diff(hap_unhap$ladder_score, permuted_label)
plot(density(dist.ts), main = "Distributoin of the test mean differences" )

Now we compute the p_value for this test. Assume that the ladder score distribution is the same for the happy region and the unhappy region, the p-value is the probablity that we observe an value on the distribution that is more extreme (smaller or bigger) than the observed mean differences in these two groups.

  • Get Observed Statistics
t_observed <- mean_diff(hap_unhap$ladder_score, hap_unhap$label)
## [1] -2.240037
  • Get p value
2 * min(mean(dist.ts <= t_observed), mean(dist.ts >= t_observed))
## [1] 0

The p-value is close to zero. Thus we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the distribution of the ladder score for the happy region is different from the distribution of the ladder score in the unhappy regions.